This Person Does Not Exist

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Review This Person Does Not Exist

Fabulous Fakery With Philip Wang's This Person Does Not Exist Web App

Hold onto your pixels and prepare for a galloping ride through the astounding world of AI-generated art. "This Person Does Not Exist," brought to life by Philip Wang, an uber-capable software engineer at Uber (see what I did there?), is the Picasso-meets-Spielberg-meets-Willy Wonka wizardry of web apps that produces endless fake faces. Yes, you heard it right, folks. That charming lady winking at you? She doesn't exist. That fellow with that cheeky grin and windswept hair? Nope, he is nonexistent, too.

Built on Nvidia’s scintillating StyleGAN algorithm - originally conceived by maestro Ian Goodfellow - this app leaps headlong into neural network nirvana using a groovy gang of generative adversarial networks (let's just call them GANs). Trained rigorously on real images, these GANs churn out shiny new faces at every refresh. An everlasting gush of non-existent people…Wowee! It's like peeping into another dimension!

This Person Does Not Exist screenshot

Mr. Wang quips shrewdly in a Facebook post: "Each time you refresh the site, the network will generate a new facial image from scratch.” Talk about being productive!

According to our tech guru Mr.Wang, "Most people do not understand how good AIs will be at synthesizing images in the future.” He has thrown down the gauntlet, stirring up intrigue if we ever saw one!

The bottom line here is the absurd flexibility this app flaunts. Although obsessed with human faces for now — it could mimic ANYTHING given enough juicy data to chew on. Imagine unicorns playing hockey or burgers sprinting marathons — bring on any source and brace yourself for some bonkers surprises!

So what exactly is This Person Does Not Exist marvelous for? Spoiler alert: Generative Art! Do you feel like being a digital artist without the hassle of learning to draw straight lines? Voila - problem solved. Want to populate a fictitious town with fictional folks or perhaps conjure up crowd scenes for comic books? This app is your magical wand, your portal to AI-powered artistry!

In this Robbie-the-Robot too-real world, "This Person Does Not Exist" sails into uncharted territory - shattering our definitions of reality while reimagining the potential of AI. It's fascinating, it's bewildering, it's positively jaw-dropping. Give it a whirl, refresh away, and embark on an endless journey of artificial faces. Truth really is stranger than fiction!

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