Prompt Plus

Prompt Plus Download


Review Prompt Plus

From the house of an amazing developer comes a web application so fine it'll prompt you to rethink what you thought was possible with your regular ChatGPT. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Prompt Plus - the magnificent magician that takes your ChatGPT experience from meh to marvelous!

Crafted for perfection with meticulous thought, Prompt Plus is designed to be akin to a personal barista for your ChatGPT; always at hand, ready to serve up your favorite beverages (prompts in this case) just the way you like them!

Prompt Plus screenshot

Prompt Plus: The Ultimate Sidekick to Your ChatGPT

With its 'curated template' feature, supporting quick saves and easy re-usage anytime, Prompt Plus top-hats saved prompts faster than a rabbit. This means no more rummaging around trying to remember that perfect prompt sequence. Instead, you simply tap into your saves with hotkeys, which summon forth prompts quicker than Aladdin rubbed his magic lamp!

If custom-made is your mantra, then voila! Craft 'em individually parameterized prompts using your specifics. Picture it as building an army of LEGO blocks - piece by piece - till they correspond just right with their data type or input options.

But wait! What's this? A search feature and categories, too? You heard me right, folks; we're talking sortable cues organized neatly in those metaphorical libraries in our heads. Now imagine the joy of quickly filtering through this library, finding just the book (or, in our case, prompt).

All aboard now! as we embark on a hypnotic how-to journey.

  • To create a command, open > click hamburger icon for menu > opt for Command > Add Command.
  • Then pop open the Command List Menu by typing forward slash (/) in the chat box > Select desirable command.
  • If the said command has parameters—enter the required data > Press send.

There's more in Prompt Plus’ bag of tricks. Got doubts? Hit the FAQ section.

In sum, Prompt Plus is like a kit of power tools—crucial for those aimin' to build something worth lookin' at.

Assembled with love, especially for Prompt Guides, it turbocharges your efficiency and elevates your promptitude (I made that word up). Now, you're not just writing prompts—you're creating art!

Convinced yet? If yes, go fetch this wizard of a Chrome Extension NOW. It’s time to supercharge your efficiency while having fun!

So folks! What are we waiting for? Let's plunge into this wonderland called Prompt Plus, where productivity meets creativity, and efficiency waltzes in perfect harmony with efficacy.

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